A woman with brown hair and glasses smiling


TTRPG Enthusiast
Voice Over Artist


I started playing TTRPGs (specifically Dungeons and Dragons 3.5) in 2008. I was already in my mid 20's when I picked up my first d20, and from there, I was hooked!

I am not in any streamed campaigns currently, but have been in up to three streamed campaigns a week. I will be playing in an upcoming YouTube series called Tournament of Doors, so look for more details coming soon! I also created & host Tales from the Tavern, a weekly TTRPG round table conversation with members of the TTRPG community. We discuss everything from dice, to favorite moments, to how to handle difficult people at the table. I have also been a guest on many podcasts and streams for one-shots, mini-series, and discussions.

Additionally, I can provide voice over work (different from voice acting) for your ads, training videos, and more!

I'd love to work with you too!

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Email, Discord, or Twitter are the best way to reach me! Feel free to connect if you want to guest on Tales from the Tavern, or if you are looking for guests for your TTRPG stream or podcast.

Discord: GamerMomLuna#0001
Support me on KoFi